Wednesday, April 21, 2010

This post is inspired by my super-creative friend Becky, who posted THE MOST GORGEOUS photo of lilac sugar the other day.

Lilac sugar, you say??

Why yes! Lilac is an edible flower. It has a strong, distinctive, fantastic scent....that is very in-your-face when standing next to a fresh lilac bush...yet nearly impossible to capture. All lilac scented bodyproducts are synthetically scented, as you cannot capture the scent of lilacs with the distillation process.

This spring trifle looks simply AMAZING. !!!

This fun blog has some easy and fun ideas for making lilac sugar, lilac muffins, and lilac syrup.

I think this recipe for lilac panna cotta sounds pretty amazing too.

How about lilac jelly? With a wonderful recipe for using it with (wait for it...) chicken breasts.

There's a few ideas to get you started. Now, go eat your flowers!

1 comment:

deena said...

Glad you're giving the rhubarb booze a go -- let me know how it works out! Now if only I had mini horses roaming my halls....