Saturday, October 10, 2009

Dear Mother Nature,
Hey. How's it going? Just a quick note from two of us here in the middle of the prairie. We totally get that you can do whatever you please - hey, it's part of the perks of being the Green Goddess and all! We were pretty tolerant of the long cold damp spring. It happens sometimes. And then the cool summer, that didn't allow our tomatoes to ripen, and make all our our tropical herbs thing we were torturing them? We TRIED not to complain, really we did. But now - going from 60 degrees to freezing last night, and then waking up to SNOW on October 10th...and a low of 22 tonight? Is that really, TRULY necessary?? Just wondering. Not that we want to tell you what to do or anything.....just wondering.
bundled in wool in the midwest,
-Donn and Maggie

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

It's going to frost Friday night....and be rainy all day tomorrow. That means, this afternoon was our final chance to harvest our tender herbs. I harvested the last of the eucalyptus, white sage, lemongrass, and lemon verbena. These will be distilled in the few remaining nice days of the season.
Here they are, hanging in our drying shed.
Local folks, you can now buy our goods at Adel Quilt Shop - it's a lovely store, and we're glad to have our items there!
In a couple of housekeeping notes - we have THREE spots left in this Saturday's Hot Process Crock Pot soapmaking class - if you're interested, there's still time to sign up!

For those of you that read the blog regularly, you know my grandpa (Donna's dad) has had some health problems this summer. Well, we are utterly delighted to announce, he has gone through his physical therapy with flying colors and will be returning home THIS FRIDAY! (He was in a local nursing home for physical therapy, after he had a stroke earlier this summer.) We're very excited! There is now a wheelchair acessible entrance to Donna's house, and a few other in-home modifications had to be made, but over all he is great shape and very, very ready to be home. Hurrah!!!!