Guess what we found in the barn today? 4 beautiful little baby kitties! all our pets are, of course, spayed or neutered, but this IS a farm, and we get feral farm cats that wander in and have litters of kittens. We *especially* worry about them in the fall, becuase even though we have a warm barn and feed them, it IS cold in Iowa, and it's hard for fall kittens to survive. So we're glad we caught these little guys. They're doing well and will be ready for adoption in a few weeks. We have 4, so if anyone is interested in an adorable kitten in a few weeks...let us know!
In other news: Donna isn't well. near-pneumonia! she is hacking and wheezing and generally feeling awful. Maggie is doing her best to keep Donna indoors on bed rest, but it is NOT easy. Please wish her a speedy recovery!