Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Farm cleanup does the rain! We actually got some things planted last Friday, and had hoped to do some tilling today (wednesday), and a bunch more planted. But we got DUMPED on (random 5:30 AM thundershower), and it's raining again this morning, tilling and planting today. *sigh* Maybe we'll get the garden in by the 4th of July!!

But the farm cleanup is going well. We hired a fellow with a beautiful John Deere tractor (shown above) and he spent a few hours at our place digging out HUGE rocks that we couldnt' get with a skid loaded, pulling out trees and stumps that were in the way of mowing or were too near out buildings, and removing old fenceposts that were no longer in use. Then he tilled our back pasture area (behind the barn, for those of you that are familiar with our farm). That machine is amazing! Even though we spent 2 weeks in May digging out rocks and old concrete, the back area is still loaded with rocks. that tiller was just spitting out rocks the size of volleyballs - it didn't even slow it down. incredible! We hope to seed that area to pasture really soon, so we can care for it ourselves from now on.