So I go to clean out the drying shed yesterday, and find a crowd of interested equines.

A customer arrives, adn I go to tend to them, and come back, and look what happened. The Minis are SOOOOOOO curious!!
I also started harvesting stuff to dry yetserday - some mixed flower and herb bouquets, and LAVENDER! This is our entire lavender crop - which is much bigger than it usually is. It smells divine!
some friends brought us black raspberries, which are HUGE and extra-delicious this year!
We also finally got the still up and running - distilled catnip - and did a ton of mowing and some planting. It's nice to finally have a lovely sunny day at the farm!!
You guys down 'south' are SO lucky. Up here in the north country our raspberries are just starting to flower, the flowers are no where near big enough to bud and things are just starting to grow. We have started to harvest culinary herbs but only because some of them are perennial and like cooler weather and the basil is in the high tunnel. Oh my, what a difference a few hundred miles south makes! You make me jealous!
where do you live? And YES it does, I am always jealous of those further south :)
Your lavender looks GREAT!
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