Sample Sunday - Sun. Jan 18th, 12-5
Our monthly "Sample Sunday" is just around the corner! We're stocking the shelves and clearing the walkways. What's new and exciting here at Prairiealnd Herbs? Our sample basket is chock-full of moisturizing milk baths - perfect for dry wintertime skin. We have loads of moisturizing body scrubs, body butters and body oils - isn't EVERYONE having dry itchy skin with this weather? This time of year the hardworking farmers in our area send in their wives to pick up our fantastic Healing Salve, to heal their cracked, dry hands and feet. PLUS, we'll have a nice selection of these gorgeous Valentines Candy Bouquets (only $12!)
As well as cute, warm handmade fleece hats, neckwarmers and scarves!
Here's what' s happening at Picket Fence Creamery:
January Greetings from Picket Fence Creamery!
Our monthly "Sample Sunday" is just around the corner! We're stocking the shelves and clearing the walkways. What's new and exciting here at Prairiealnd Herbs? Our sample basket is chock-full of moisturizing milk baths - perfect for dry wintertime skin. We have loads of moisturizing body scrubs, body butters and body oils - isn't EVERYONE having dry itchy skin with this weather? This time of year the hardworking farmers in our area send in their wives to pick up our fantastic Healing Salve, to heal their cracked, dry hands and feet. PLUS, we'll have a nice selection of these gorgeous Valentines Candy Bouquets (only $12!)

As well as cute, warm handmade fleece hats, neckwarmers and scarves!

Here's what' s happening at Picket Fence Creamery:
January Greetings from Picket Fence Creamery!
Here's wishing all of you a Happy New Year and hoping you are working toward your 2009 goals! So, what's happening around the farm? Let's see.. "mooving" snow and cows having calves, and mooving snow and thawing out cattle waterers, and mooving snow and mooving snow and mooving snow!!! And, it's all STILL GOOD! After all, January is almost half over, and the days are getting longer. With that in mind, we'll take this opportunity to invite you to break out of your cabin fever mode, and stock up on great foods for the big games at our...
"January Thaw"
Jan. 18 Noon to 5 p.m.
Admission is FREE!
Yes, it's supposed to be in the lower 30s this weekend, so let's celebrate! Bring the kids to see our barn full of bottle calves, take a peek at the cows (inside, safe and snug), and eat your way through our store with dozens of local food samples!
(This event is being held in conjunction with our neighbors to the north, Prairieland Herbs, where you'll find the finest bath and body products in the world!)
By the way, Dallas County has done an excellent job of keeping our roads cleared. I had a customer this morning say our roads were better than the ones in Des Moines! By the way, our snow removal team here at the farm (Jeff and his skid loader) have been doing an excellent job, too!
Local Food Samples: Chocolate cherry ice cream, fresh cheese curds, Waukee's Taste of the Town Salsa, elk sticks, buffalo summer sausage, tortellini, Neva's famous cheese ball, fresh peanut butter, pumpkin butter, creamed honey, creamed cinnamon honey, "Elvis" muffins, and gouda, brie, Swiss, and sharp cheddar cheeses.
Guest Vendor: Tim will be here from Prairie Moon Winery, Ames. Try five varieties of their fine wines!
Kids! Check out the 17 bottle calves in the nice, snug barn! Enjoy a bag of freshly popped and Picket Fence buttered popcorn for 50 cents.
"Game Day" Super Deals!
*Buy a jar of local salsa, get a bag of fresh tortilla chips for only $1!
*Our own 90% lean ground beef, $3.49/lb. with 10 lb. purchase (Reg. $3.99/lb.)
*Apple crisp and quart of ice cream - $10
*Homemade cinnamon twist rolls made with our cream - $4.49 for a large plate of 4
*Hulless popcorn - only $1.99/bag
*Cheese, glorious cheese! Sunday only - get a bag of our fresh cheese curds for 3 bucks!
*Buffalo summer sausage, elk sticks, elk ring bologna, Pella bologna, Pasquali's Pizza, Pella beef jerky, buffalo jerky, snacks, chips, Neva's cheese ball, and Iowa wines!
New! Sasparilla, black cherry, grape, root beer, and orange cream sodas from the Kutztown Soda Works, Kutztown, PA. Only 99 centers for a 24-oz. bottle!
Just arrived: Corn salsa, black strap molasses, corn grits, muesli, fresh biscuit mixes, corn chowder soup mix, fresh pancake mixes, real maple syrup, Two Sisters mahogney pound cake mix, pumpkin chocolate chip bread mix, beer bread mixes, dips, cheese cake mix, and soup mixes, and fresh candies including Boston baked beans and French burnt peanuts!
Coffee: We have a good selection of Cafe Diem coffees (Ames) including caramel crunch, snickerdoodle, and Jamaican-Me-Crazy (rum). We also have Two Sisters cappuccino mixes: chocolate raspberry, chocolate mint, chocolate cherry, French vanilla, and cinnamon vanilla.
Fresh pancake mixes: Buttermilk, blueberry, and apple cinnamon pancakes make a great breakfast any time! Coupled with some creamery butter, real maple syrup and Dreesman's maple link sausages, you're set!
Yes, temperatures in the 30s are just around the corner! It's time for ice cream! Choose from these 25 flavors in our cooler: vanilla, cherry vanilla, vanilla chocolate chip, vanilla cookies and cream, caramel, caramel apple, apple cinnamon, maple cream, rum raisin, luscious lemon, key lime pie, orange pineapple, egg nog, mint chip, pumpkin, strawberry, strawberry banana, very berry, chocolate, chocolate chocolate chip, chocolate cookies and cream, chocolate raspberry, chocolate cherry, chocolate malt, and mocha. Whew!
Puppies! A friend is bring his "farm-raised" Jack Russell/rat terrier puppies on Sunday. They are adorable and will be $15 each, or 2 for $25! Kids, you'll have to check them out!
That's all from the farm for now. Feel free to forward this email to anyone in your address book who would enjoy and nice afternoon in the country! If you can't make it Sunday, stop by Saturday instead...we'll have the sample table ready!
Your friends,
Jeff, Jill, Jenna and James Burkhart
Picket Fence Creamery
14583 S Ave.
Woodward, IA 50276
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