This is Toby - Maggie's nephew, Donna's grandson. He's 5, and loooove to "help" us in the shop. He was helping to make milk baths one day, and of course, being 5, he stuck his hand in our giant vat of cornstarch, and discovered that it "feels funny" when you smoosh it with your hands. Which it does. So the other day while we were all being boring grownups (i.e. working), he helped himself to a bowl of cornstarch and smooshed it to his little 5 year old heart's content. And this is what he, and our shop, looked like!
Hi there. Sorry it took so long from the email to me getting here. Computer bombed big time, just now really catching up.
So glad to see you all blogging. Love the photos of your place. Someday I will get up there and take some of those classes. I'll be sure and bring Missy, she will be in Heaven with all that premium catnip!
I just sent an email out to a few of Missy's closest furr-iends to check your new blog out.
Also, you MUST go to Kat's Cat of the Day, that's where we all meet and post.
You MUST also submit kitty photos (adult cats) for her to choose as Kat of the Day. I nominate Mo. Actually, Mo is the only one of your cats I know, and that's because he is Catnip Supervisor.
I've got you on my list and I'll be checking in often to see what's going on.
What a fun blog! And, yes, I really understand about a 5-year-old's idea of fun -- my just-turned-6 granddaughter does things like that, especially when her dad is cooking dinner or something!
Is this THE Toby that inspired the Natural Baby products?
If so, let me say thanks for a great line of items.
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