Thursday, July 24, 2008

Another great hydrosol article! Courtesy of the Aromatic Plant Project.

Hydrosols and 101 ways to use them


  1. Great article. I tried my hand at distilling last year (with my little makeshift distilling thingy lol) and got the best smelling lemon balm hydrosol.

  2. what type of makeshift still did you make? how interesting!

  3. Oh gosh is was just a little stovetop contraption that I read about on the 'net. The instructions were to use a large pot (I have a canning pot), put a brink in it, place a bowl on the brick, add the herbs & water, invert the lid, bring to a boil, lower the heat and simmer, while adding ice to the lid. It was really time consuming lol.

  4. I have heard of that, just never tried it! how fun!
