Wednesday, February 21, 2007

So last Friday was COLD, cold cold...we were baking a lasagna for lunch and happened to think...hmm..some nice local wine would go great with this! So we zipped over to Picket Fence Creamery for some Midnight Rain Wine (YUM!) from Madison County Winery (their Prairie Fire is a big fave of ours too).

Some days, it's not at all bad to be your own boss. :)


  1. that sounds like a wonderful lunch!

  2. it was MOST delicious. :) Today we didnt' get to eat lunch until 4:30 (!!!) - busy with customers! so it goes both ways. :)

  3. I want to come work for you - lasagne and wine for lunch - my kinda place!! Do we get to knit, too?

  4. oh, of COURSE We get to knit!

    Now if i coudl just figure out how to fit wheel into our tiny shop...but no worries. We have drop spindles galore! :)
